
splash 4497793290_afd780e853_b

Yes, it looks so beautiful now in these pictures, but you can imagine, while taking this shots the table and the floor became such a mess because of all the splashes of water. Anyway it was so much fun trying this technique and watch the result later :)

splash 4558417660_f89b668cf8_bsplash 2010-03-28 STRAWBERRY SPLASH (2) b

6 Experiences:

  1. Fantásticas fotos. Besos

  2. VERY COOL! I love it and think I'm gonna have to give that a try....mess or no mess! :)

  3. That looks really neat! I would say it was worth the mess it made to get these cool shots!

  4. wow, those are so great!! haha yes i can imagine the mess, but totally worth it for those gorgeous images :)

  5. wonderfull your photo profile

  6. i LOVE the one with the strawberries... beautiful!
