cats blinking

Sabíeu que quan un gat cluca els ulls lentament mirant a algú fixament és perquè està comunicant el seu afecte i confiança cap a aquesta persona? Evidentment no ho farà amb tothom.
Així que si teniu un gat a casa pareu atenció a aquesta mostra de confiança i si us la fa, retorneu-li. Té efectes relaxants! :) ❤

Did you know that when a cat "blinks" slowly to somebody is because he's trying to communicate and express friendship, trust and love to that person? Obviously the cat doesn't blink to everybody.
If you have a cat at home pay attention to that show of affection and give him back a slow blinking. Don't you think it's a sweet and relaxing way of communication? Try it and tell me! 

Here, Tuna is not blinking, she's just chilling out, but she blinks to me very often :)
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4 Experiences:

  1. OOooo!!! Tres mimi!!!

  2. Aww I didn't know that about cats! I try to avoid eye contact with them because I heard they will attack you if you stare at them too long haha!

    What a pretty kitty!

  3. aw that's so cute! i didn't know that :) if i had a kitty i would try it hehe

    yes! i agree.. hiking with friends is the best :) my favorite part is when you reach a good view point and it's time to enjoy some delicious lunch together hehe

  4. Cool! I'll have to see if I can figure out what our cat is trying to tell me next time. Of course knowing her, she is probably saying, "Won't you hurry up and feed me?"
