Exploring Underwater

Aquesta era la primera vegada que ens submergíem amb una càmara aquàtica, preparats per capturar la fauna marina de formenterenca (?)... malhauradament no vam aconseguir més fotos mínimament acceptables, a banda d'aquestes tres, dons la Fujifilm Z33 WP no va resultar ser tan "waterproof" com el seu nom indica, i va deixar de funcionar. Així que si en voleu veure més, hi haureu d'anar vosaltres mateixos i gaudir de l'experiència :)

This was the first time we swam underwater with a water-resistant camera ready to capture the marine wildlife of Formentera... unfortunately, we did not get more good pictures appart from these three since my Fujifilm Z33 WP was not as waterproof as we had expected, and it stopped working. So if you are interested in seeing more marine fauna, you'll have to go there yourselves and enjoy the experience :)

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