Unexpected sunset in Sitges

Si no ho recordo malament, la última ocasió en que vaig visitar Sitges va ser durant el Carnaval de 2011.... tenint en compte que poc després ja vaig marxar a les Açores i no vaig a tornar a Catalunya fins ara fa poc temps. Bé, la qüestio és que tenia ganes de tornar a Sitges i ahir va ser el dia, coincidint amb la Festa de Santa Tecla. El municipi estava ben animat, amb correfoc, concerts i aquesta bonica posta de sol inclosa!

If I'm not wrong, the last time I was in Sitges it was during the Carnival in 2011... considering that a bit later I left to Azores and I didn't come back until a few months ago. Well, the thing is that I wanted to visit this lovely village again and there we went. During this week there is the Santa Tecla Festivity. So the city was vibrant, with concerts, fireworks, "correfoc" and this beautiful sunset included!


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