Carnaval de Sitges 2011

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Després d'un mes del Carnaval de Sitges per fi m'he dignat a arreglar una mica les fotos i pujar-les.
He de reconèixer que no acostumo a fer fotos a persones, i menys a persones en moviment, i menys de nit, i menys amb focus potents, i menys havent d'utilitzar un flash de qualitat dubtosa..... en resum... han sortit com han sortit :P

*Aquí us deixo un recull i les demés les podeu veure a CARNAVAL SITGES 2011.
Gràcies a tots aquells que vau dedicar un somriure (o ganyota :P) a la meva càmera :)
Si algú surt en alguna foto i vol que aquesta sigui retirada o desitja la foto original només cal que m'ho digui.

After a month of the Sitges Carnival, I've decided to upload the pictures. As you can notice, they are not so good since I'm not used to taking pictures of people while dancing at night and with a low quality flash. My fault!

Just tell you that the Sitges Carnival is a more than 100-year-old tradition, and is also one of the most famous in Spain. It consists in a parade with 2.500 dressed-up people dancing along the streets in around 40 floats. The most important days are Rua de la Disbauxa (Debauchery Parade), when these pictures were taken, and the Rua de l'Extermini (Extermination Parade) when the carnival ends. To sum up, you will find a lot of music, rythm, joy, colors, masks and feathers.

You can check the rest of the pictures on SITGES CARNIVAL 2011, (Flickr). Please, contact me if you appear in any photo and you want it to be deleted from the website.

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4 Experiences:

  1. Wonderful colorful pictures! It looks like an amazing time! I do like the slight blur from the motion in some of the shots - it gives them a great look, I think.

  2. Quin gran reportatge del carnaval de Sitges. Vaig veure un tros per la tele i ni d'aprop es transmitia aquesta força.

  3. Amazing photos!!!! Love the costumes -great job capturing all of those colors


  4. Thanks for your visit!!
    Your photos are beautiful too!!!
    Please follow me on Facebook:
    Or Bloglovin!!! :)
