next destination?

Els nervis dels dies previs ja es comencen a notar, i és que en 4 dies arranca un nou viatge. El destí? Chicago! On m'esperen 3 setmanes d'anglès intensiu, una ciutat plena de racons per descobrir i un munt de gent interessant d'arreu del món per conèixer. Desitgeu-me sort! :)

The nerves of the previous days are already here! A new trip is starting in just 4 days. The destination? Chicago! Three weeks of intensive English, a city with lots of places to be discovered and many interesting people around the world are waiting for me in Chi-Town, the windy city! Wish me good luck! :)

2 Experiences:

  1. I hope you have a great trip to Chicago! I went there once, several years ago. So many fun things to see and do!

  2. Hope you have a great holiday in Chicago. We can't wait to see your pictures!
