Trilho Pedestre - Furnas (PRC6SMI) e Parque Terra Nostra

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You can start the day with a 6km walk around Lagoa das Furnas. Next to the lake there are the courious Caldeiras das Furnas, where the famous Cozido is prepared.

Here you have the specific Trail Info around the Lake:
Lenght: 9,2km
Time: 2h50 in slow paceDifficulty: EasyTrails-Azores Site 

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After that, relax taking a galão and the typical bolos lêvedos or having a walk in the village of Furnas.

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Another must to visit in Furnas is the Terra Nostra Park

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And I let the best part for the end of the day: to have a hot water bath in the natural pool in Terra Nostra Park at the dusk. Isn't it a wonderful way to finish the visit?

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4 Experiences:

  1. Great photos, nice time spent here, greetings

  2. These are great! I especially like the close-up views of the leaves with the water drops on them.

  3. Gostaria de saber se vende impressões.
    I would like to known if you sell printed photos.


  4. Olá Teresa,
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